Friday, June 09, 2006

Milky White Skies: Chemtrails Above Us? June 9th, 2006
We wouldn't want people to get the idea that this is another conspiracy website. We will not be devoted to any one topic here. Our mission is to explore whether it is possible to ever know great truths. How far can yin-yang nihilism take us? Are we being conditioned to believe that nothing is absolute, that there will always be powers above us who will understand reality best? Are there any truths we can be certain of and not fall down rabbitholes?
"Chemtrails" are an interesting topic, if only for the fact that it has never been mentioned on a mainstream news station, that is until very recently. KNBC TV4 of Los Angeles has just produced the first ever TV news item on alleged aerosol operations occurring above us. Seemingly the subject of "chemtrails" has been taken very seriously by reporter Paul Moyer. This is where Evens and Odds comes into play.
This blog is sort of a two headed monster. There are two of us in here. We are like minded friends who often disagree. I guess the chem-trail topic is as good a way to start this thread as any, as KingSlender and myself don't really agree on the whole thing. When he sees chemtrails I see contrails. When he speaks of manufactured clouds, I chuckle and point to the sky and say cirrus cloud. I have pictures of the sky over Mt. Shasta that would cause any chemtrail theorist to salivate. I haven't shown them to K.S. and I probably won't ever. All he would say to me is, "I told you so." I know better than to let that happen. I've watched the news clip and I see a bunch of..... Well, I'll tell you later.
Watch the video.
What do you see?

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